Sensus 3000/4000 Latitude Longitude Setup
How do I get the Latitude and Longitude to appear in the export meter reading file?
Export File
SENSUS 3000/4000
Latitude and Longitude and not included in the export meter reading file
Property Revenues > Utility Billing > Setup > Settings > User Defined Fields
1. Click Add
2. Application ID = utmetmnt
3. Field Number = 7
4. Application type = Blank
5. Name = L - GIS LATITUDE
6. Numeric, Type = Character
7. Size 40
8. Status = Active
9. Click Accept
1. Click Add
2. Application ID = utmetmnt
3. Field Number = 8
4. Application type = Blank
6. Numeric, Type = Character
7. Size 40
8. Status = Active
9. Click Accept
Property Revenues > Utility Billing > Master Programs > Meter Management > Meter Inventory
1. Click Search
2. Enter the meter number
3. Click Accept
4. Click Update
5. Click the User Defined Tab
6. Click in field 7 under the Value column
7. Enter in the Latitude number
8. Click in field 8 under the Value column
9. Enter in the Longitude number
10. Click Accept
Property Revenues > Utility Billing > Export Meter Reading File
1. Click Define
2. In the Reading Device Field choose SENSUS 3000/4000
3. Continue on the screen populating the remainder of the Processing Criteria area and Export Path
4. Under the Options section, click in the filed Combined Meters
5. Complete the remainder of the fields
6. Click Accept
7. Click Generate
This will export the Latitude and Longitude into the MTRTD record positions 219-229 and 230-240 respectively