Unable to Void Invoice with Purchase Card Transaction

Unable to Void Invoice with Purchase Card Transaction

Description of Issue

No Void Invoice in ribbon to allow user to Void Invoice tied to a PCard Transaction

  • EERP

  • Accounts Payable

  • Modify Invoices

  • PCard Statements


MUN-352794 updated functionality to prevent users from voiding an invoice attached to PCard Transaction

  1. In Purchase Cards unmatch the invoice

  2. Go back into Invoice Entry and void the invoice

  3. Enter a new invoice into Invoice Entry with Payment method P-Card

  4.  In Purchase Cards match the new invoice

  5. Once the Invoice is matched > Release P-Card > Single Convert

  6. Void the invoice after converting the P-Card statement

    1. If users are unable to void, and get the message The invoice cannot be voided because the associated P-card transaction has a status of converted

  7. Go back into Invoice Entry and Release and Post invoices

Additional Information