Multiple Bank Codes with the same GL Account

Multiple Bank Codes with the same GL Account

Description of Issue
  • What is the impact of assigning the same GL Account to multiple Bank Codes?
  • Error in Payment Manager: 


Multiple printer records have been defined for the cash account on the checkrun. The duplicate records exist for (Bank code: XXX, Account #: XXXXXXXXX,Bank code: XXX, Account #: XXXXXXXXX) and can be edited in the Bank Codes program.

  • Reconciliation issues for Payroll Direct Deposits or Accounts Receivable when GL account is on more than one Bank Code.
  • General Ledger
  • Cash Management
  • Bank Reconciliation Classic
  • All Versions of MUNIS

General Ledger account is assigned to multiple Bank Codes in Munis. 


The setup of the bank code/bank account record in the Bank Codes program and the transaction type will determine the impact of attaching the same GL Account to multiple Bank Code/Bank Account records:

  • Accounts payable - Payment Manager : User will encounter a pop up directing user to update the Bank Code.  
  • Payroll - No impact - both Bank Code / Bank Accounts will display the Payroll information for the GL Account.

  • Payroll Direct Deposit - High Impact - Transactions will link to ONLY one Bank Code / Bank Account during the Create Items process. The same information will NOT show on all Bank Code / Bank Accounts.
  • General journals (GEN), General Cash Receipt (GCR) journals and Deposits (CRPs) - High Impact - Transactions will link to a single Bank Code / Bank Account during the Create Items process.

It is NOT recommended to have the same GL Account on multiple Bank Code / Bank Accounts when using Payroll Direct Deposits or Adjustments (GEN) and Deposits (GCR,CRP).

  • Payroll direct deposits, GEN, GCR and CRP transaction lines are pulled into Bank Reconciliation using 'Create Items' in the Adjustments/Deposits Reconciliation program. This process assigns the transactions to a single specified Bank Code/Bank Account. Once assigned, the transaction will not display under a different Bank Code/Bank Account 
Additional Information

Munis Transaction is not pulling into Bank Record - GL Cash Account and Effective Dates are correct

Bank Code/Bank Account records can be set exclude AP or PR transactions, but there is no option to exclude GEN, GCR or CRP transaction types.

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