Using the Pay status L in Employee Job Salary

Using the Pay status L in Employee Job Salary

Description of Issue

What is the purpose of using Pay status 'L-On Leave' in Employee Job/Salary?

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Payroll

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Position Control



  • Go to Employee Job/Salary (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary) to review Pay Status.

  • If the Pay Status is set to L - On Leave in the Employee Job/Salary screen, the pay will not be generated into the payroll when Execute in the Generate Earnings and Deductions step of the payroll. 

  • The 'On Leave' Pay Status in Employee Job/Salary was designed to mimic the Inactive pay status and will keep the employee's pay from being included in various reports, as well as the Payroll Generate process, while still being considered as filling a slot in the position for Position Control. The exact intent is to simultaneously protect the employee's position from being filled while employee is on leave, and to prevent Employee from being accidentally paid at the same time. 

  • On Leave employees will still appear in Position Control reports/screens.

  • Position Control looks to this field on the base pay record to determine if this employee will be considered active in the position. The Employee Master, Active Status is still considered as well. 

  • The following is a breakdown of how the pay status codes work with position control: 

    1. Pay records with an On Leave status will override the Employee Master Status and consider the employee as filling a slot in the position.

    2. Pay records with a Moving Out status are not considered as filling a position. These employees will still appear in Position Control reports/screens. 

    3. Pay records with an Active status and an Employee Master Status of Active are considered as filling a position

    4. Pay records with an Inactive status are not considered as filling a position. Employee Master Status is not considered. These employees will not appear in Position Control reports/screens. 

Additional Information