Generating partial salaries in payroll
How to generate a percentage of the employee's normal salary in Payroll Start and Status
Enterprise ERP Payroll
Payroll Processing
Generate Earnings and Deductions
Can define the Earnings Factor to generate partial salaries into a payroll
Open the Payroll Start and Status screen (Human Capital Management > Payroll> Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status)
Search for the payroll warrant
Click on Generate Earnings and Deductions
Click Define
Enter the Earnings Factor
For instance, enter 70.00 to generate 70% of the employee's salary
Click Accept
Click Execute
The Earnings Factor specifies the earnings percentage factor. Use this value for unique payrolls such as a year-end split pay where the employee will receive a portion of pay in this payroll, with the rest in a subsequent payroll.
If your site has never used this option, then consider refreshing a non-production environment and generating a test payroll for review.