Account Merge - Duplicate key value on dbo.Checks

Description of Issue

Error received when merging GL accounts:

Munis (glacctmr)
Errors have occurred, please contact
Munis Financial Support with this information. -268 [ISAM -2601]

Additional information concerning a status error of -268:
[Microsoft][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.Checks' with unique index 'IX.Checks'. The duplicate key value is (XXXX, XXXX).

If you have a questions, please contact Munis Technical Support.

System log Id: XXXX


Account Merge


Same check number was by the Original and Target accounts.


Purged one of the  checks  since it was REPRINT VOID and was not needed, but when account merge was reprocessed, error occurred for dbo.CheckRuns. See: Account Merge Error - Conflict on dbo.CheckRuns

  • MUN-402561 is open with Development to address errors occurring against Accounts Payable tables when merging accounts. 
  • This error would typically be specific to balance sheet accounts.
Additional Information