Flexible Period Liability Report is showing 0.00 Liability

Description of Issue

The Flexible Period Liability Report in Employee Accruals Report is showing 0.00 liability for all employees. 

  • Enterprise ERP
  • Employee Accruals
  • Employee Accrual History
  • Employee Accruals Report
  • Flexible Period Liability Report 
  • The employees have an ending balance of 0 on the report, which is calculating a $0.00 liability amount.
  • The report takes the running balance as of the end of the date range defined. (07/01/2020 to 06/30/2021)
  • The accrual history record dated 06/30/2021 is for a Transfer In/Out with 0.00 Running Balance.

Change the date range of the report to include the employee's running balance amount. 

  1. Go to the Employee Accruals Report. (Payroll>Employee Accruals>Employee Accruals Report)
  2. Click Define. Select a Report Option of Flexible Period Liability Report. 
  3. TAB to the Print Options tab. Define the date range.
    1. In this example, 07/01/2020 to 07/01/2021.
  4. TAB to the Accruals tab to include the applicable accruals to report on. 
  5. Click Accept. Click desired Output option. 
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