How to remove hold on pending actions

How to remove hold on pending actions

Description of Issue

How can a pending action that is being held by an approver be bypassed?

  • Enterprise ERP

  • EERP

  • Human Capital Management

  • HCM

  • Personnel Actions




The hold can be bypassed by forwarding the user's workflow to a different user in order to remove the hold:

  1. Navigate to User Attributes

    1. Enterprise ERP > System Administration > Security > User Attributes

  2. Click Search and locate the record for the user who has the hold

  3. Click Update and then Forwarding Changes on the Workflow Detail tab

  4. On this screen, configure the forwarding to the user who needs to remove the hold and click Accept

  5. At this point, the new user should be able to see and remove the hold on the forwarded workflow

Additional Information

For additional assistance with Personnel Actions workflow, please contact Enterprise ERP HR Support.

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