W-2 Preprinted Stock Alignment is Slowly Creeping Down

W-2 Preprinted Stock Alignment is Slowly Creeping Down

Description of Issue

We use preprinted stock for W-2s (Form 5205 Laser 4-up box) and when printing, the first several print perfect, but after that some of the boxes are slowly creeping up out of alignment. 

  • Payroll

  • W-2 Wizard

  • W-2 Forms Print


Form Definition number of lines needs to be adjusted


From within the Wizard on the Print step (steps are similar if doing this within the W-2 Forms Print program (Payroll>W-2 and 1099-R Processing>W-2 Forms Print):

Note: Enterprise ERP only supports preprinted stock form 5205-Laser 4-up. 

  1. Click the Options tab. 

  2. Select W-2 Form 5205 - LASER 4-UP BOX from the drop down. 

  3. Click the Alignment Test tab.

  4. Click Adjust Forms

  5. Click Copy in the toolbar. Enter the Name and Descriptionclick Accept

  6. Click Update on the new form to adjust Number of Lines from 81 to 80

  7. Click Accept

  8. Click Test in the toolbar to do another Test for the new Form. 

  9. Go Back and click on the Options tab. 

  10. Select the new Form created in the W-2 Form drop down

  11. Proceed to the Employees to Include tab and do a test for a few employees (example, employee number 123 to 127 or a small location range) to verify the alignment is fine on all forms.

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