Process an Interdepartmental Billing for General Billing

Process an Interdepartmental Billing for General Billing

Description of Issue

Would like to know how to process an interdepartmental billing using the general billing modules

  • Customers
  • Invoice Entry and Proof
  • Allocation Codes
  • Accounts Receivable Charge Codes



Before processing an interdepartmental billing, verify the necessary charge code(s), allocation code(s), and customer record(s) are set up: Interdepartmental Billing Set Up For General Billing

  1. General Revenues > General Billing > Invoice Processing > Invoice Entry and Proof
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter batch header information as desired.
  4. Click Accept.
  5. Enter invoice Proof Header information as desired. 
  6. Click Accept.
  7. Enter invoice Proof Detail information as desired.
  8. Click Accept.
  9. Click Add and repeat steps 7 and 8 if additional detail lines on the invoice are desired.
  10. Click Add from the Proof Header screen and repeat steps 5 through 8 to add additional invoices as desired.
  11. Click Back.
  12. From the batch header screen, click Output-Post and follow the prompts to post the invoice batch. Note that the interdepartmental payments will process on the created bills simultaneously as they're posted/created. 
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