Void charges on a voided parking ticket

Void charges on a voided parking ticket

Description of Issue

Need to void charges on a voided parking ticket.

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Parking Tickets


Charges were added to a parking ticket after it was voided.

  1. General Revenues > Parking Tickets > Ticket Processing > Tickets/Ticket Inquiry.

  2. Choose Maintain from the pop-up window.

  3. Enter journal information.

  4. Click Accept.

  5. Click Search.

  6. Enter identifying information and click Accept.

  7. Click Charges.

  8. Click Void.

  9. Enter the Appeal/Decision Date and Reason.

  10. Click Accept.

  11. Scroll to the next charge using the arrows at the bottom and repeat steps 8-11 until all charges are voided.

  12. Click Back.

  13. Choose output type and click OK.

  14. Click Yes to post batch.

If presented with the message Ticket is currently Voided. Option not available, contact Enterprise ERP Community Development Support.

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