Less VPN Supported Products

Description of Issue

What products are supported in Less VPN?

  • Munis Self Service programs

  • ESS

  • CSS

  • VSS

  • Munis Mobile

  • ExecuTime

  • ReadyForms

  • Tyler Cashiering

  • Tyler Content Manager

  • Tyler Hub

  • Tyler Identity

  • Tyler 311

  • Tyler Meeting Manager

  • Tyler Parks and Rec



Less VPN Supported Products

Products can be publicly accessible over the internet using the F5 Software VPN meaning no VPN connectivity is needed.

  • Munis (core Munis programs, Munis Web Framework Programs, ErpPortal, maplink, etc).

    • Munis Self Service programs (ESS/CSS/VSS)

    • Munis Mobile

  • ExecuTime

  • ReadyForms

  • Tyler Cashiering

  • Tyler Content Manager

  • Tyler Hub

  • Tyler Identity

  • Tyler 311

  • Tyler Meeting Manager

  • Tyler Parks and Rec

Additional Information

VPN Required Products

These require VPN connectivity, whether it is over the hardware VPN (Cisco ASA) on the client's network, or using a software based F5 Hosting VPN.

  • Munis Cubes (depending on your migration type, this may or may not apply)

  • ODBC Database connections (ie. for Crystal Reports or some other third party reporting program)

  • TRSB - Custom SSRS Reporting instanceÂ