How to use the Delinquent Taxpayer Report
Need to run a report on Delinquent Taxpayers
Enterprise ERP
Property Revenues
Property Tax Billing
Navigate to Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Collection Reports > Delinquent Taxpayer Report.
Click Define.
Enter in the number of Accounts to select.
Note: The maximum number of records that can be selected is 999,999,999.
Enter in a Tax year range.
In the through installment field, enter in to which installment you want to include. Leave blank to select all.
Select Show prior year bills to include prior year unpaid bills with the report.
Select Show subsequent year bills to include subsequent year unpaid bills with the report.
Select the date through which you wish to Calculate interest through.
If Specify Date is selected, enter the specific date.
Select to Include real estate.
Select which Bill type to include from the dropdown menu,. Leave blank to select all.
Enter in I to include or E to exclude in the Incl/excl field.
Select to Include personal property.
Select which Bill type to include from the dropdown menu,. Leave blank to select all.
Enter in I to include or E to exclude in the Incl/excl field.
Select to Include motor vehicles.
Select which Bill type to include from the dropdown menu,. Leave blank to select all.
Enter in I to include or E to exclude in the Incl/excl field.
Enter in the Billing cycle range to include in the report.
Select to Include deferred tax.
Select which Bill type to include from the dropdown menu,. Leave blank to select all.
Enter in I to include or E to exclude in the Incl/excl field.
Enter an amount in the Exclude bills with a balance less than field to exclude bills under the amount entered.
Enter an amount in the Exclude bills with a balance greater than field to exclude bills greater than the amount entered.
Enter in a date in the Exclude bills with a final due date after field to exclude bills with a final due date after the date entered.
If desired, in the Special condition codes dropdown select to Exclude if in selected set or Include if in selected set.
Click the Selected link to define the set of special condition codes for which to exclude or include.
If desired, select to Apply special condition to apply a special condition to the records selected.
Define which special condition code to apply in the next field.
Use Include only those customers to determine the type of customer records to include in the report.
Apply above filter to is used to determine how to filter the customers selected.
Note: If the selection in step 18 is All Customers, this field is unavailable.
Select which Report type to generate.
Use Print to select which information to include in the report.
Select to print Totals only in the report.
Select to Include SSN in report to include social security numbers in the report.
Click Accept.
Click Select.
Select an Output method to Print, Display, generate a PDF, or Save the report.