How to print File Copy on Enterprise Forms

How to print File Copy on Enterprise Forms

Description of Issue

Instructions for how to create Enterprise Forms file copy template

  • EERP
  • Enterprise Forms
  • Readyforms
  • Enterprise ERP
  • AP check
  • PR check

  1.  From the Tyler Hub menu, go to Forms > Enterprise Forms Administration
    1. The menu path may say "Readyforms Administration"
  2. From the bar on the left, select the desired product to expand it
  3. Select the form which you'd like to create a file copy of
  4. Hover over the template you wish to make a file copy of, and select Duplicate
  5. On the Form Design tab, click Document Is A Copy to toggle it on
  6. Click Save
  7. Create a new delivery definition to associate with this template using the following article:
    Creating or Adding a ReadyForms Delivery Definition
Additional Information

Additional information for working with ReadyForms can be found here: Master Article - ReadyForms