AP Payment Manager check printing error

Description of Issue

Error being received when trying to print checks through AP Payment Manager- A bank code (XXX) exists with a bank account (XXXX) for the check run cash account, however no payment manager printer has been defined. Please define a printer in the Bank Codes program

Error being received after posting the cash disbursements journal through AP Payment Manager - A bank code (XXX) exists with a bank account (XXXX) for the check run cash account, however no output file name has been defined. Please define an output file name in the Bank Codes program.

  • EERP
  • Accounts Payable
  • Payment Manager
  • DocOrigin
  • TylerForms
  • Printer Definition
  • Bank Code

Missing information on the Bank Code setup for the cash account being used in Payment Manager


Financials > Accounts Payable > Setup > Bank Codes

  1. Search on the bank code referenced in error
  2. Click Accounts
  3. Locate the cash account being used within Payment Manager
  4. Update Bank Code to add the information needed which pertains to the error (printer name or output file name)