Employee Accrual type is lapsing more than they earn each payroll period - Earnings Based Limit

Description of Issue

Employees are showing more lapsed time on their accruals than what they are earning in payroll each pay period when they are not using any time. 

  • Munis
  • Employee Accruals
  • Accrual Tables
  • Payroll Control Settings

The Accrual Table was setup with the Earnings Based Limit checkbox checked and the Payroll Control Setting for General - Reduce Accrual Earnings was set to No.


In Test or Train:

  1. Go to Payroll Control Settings (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Payroll Control Settings)
  2. Find and double click the setting for General - Reduce Accrual Earnings.
  3. Click Update. Change the Value to Y. Click Accept.
  4. Go through a test payroll and include:
    1. Use example employees with pays that add to tables with the Earnings Based Limit.
    2. Use employees that are over the limit to verify the Lapse records are not created in Employee Accruals.
  5. Once verified, the employees may need a manually added Earned History record in Employee Accrual History to bring them back to the correct limit amount. 
    1. Go to Employee Accruals (Payroll>Accrual Processing>Employee Accruals.)
    2. Click Search. Define employee and Accrual Type. Click Accept. 
    3. Click History in the toolbar. 
    4. Click Add. Define the applicable dates, and Earned amount with a reason code of 1-Accrual Earned. Define a comment if needed. Click Accept. 
Additional Information
  • Earnings Based Limit checkbox in Employee Accruals and Payroll Control Setting for General-Reduce Accrual Earnings go hand in hand.
    • If the amounts lapse (it creates an earned amount and a used amount) the earned YTD keeps getting increased even through employees are not earning, so the employee will start lapsing more time.
    • The control setting will will see if the employee has reached their limit, and instead of earning and then lapsing the same amount, they will earn 0 so the earned YTD will not keep increasing.
  • Earnings Based Limit checkbox in Employee Accruals on the Limit tab directs that accruals be limited based on earnings (as opposed to the Available balance when it is not checked). This selection is applicable for options B-Via Payroll/Transfer and P-Via Payroll/Lapse Excess.
  • The Payroll Control Setting for General - Reduce Accrual Earnings - When set to Y, the accrual earnings over the limit will not create a lapse record and instead the earnings will just be reduced to the max allowed limit. 
    • For example - the employee already reached the limit, but when it comes time to earn more time, instead of showing them earning it and then lapsing it because they reached the limit, it will not create those earned and lapsed records.