Disable access to User Defined tab in Employee Master
Site wants to remove users' access to the User Defined Fields tab in Employee Master.
Enterprise ERPÂ
Human Capital Management
Employee MasterÂ
System Administration
Category Access for USER DEFINED FIELDS is set to Update / Delete.
Navigate to RolesÂ
EERP > System Administration > Security > RolesÂ
Search on RoleÂ
Click AcceptÂ
Select HR Management / Payroll folderÂ
Select Category Access tabÂ
Click UpdateÂ
Locate the USER DEFINED FIELDS CategoryÂ
Select No Access under the Employee Master columnÂ
If desired, select No Access for Terminated Employees, Projections, and Personnel Actions columns
Click Accept
After updates, users should no longer see the User Defined tab in Employee Master
To enable access, see below.
Please reach back out to EERP Human Resources Support with any additional questions.