How to Approve Workflows in Mass

How to Approve Workflows in Mass

Description of Issue

Is it possible for a user to approve multiple or all pending workflows?

  • Workflow Business Rules

  • Hub Cards



  1. On Tyler Hub Click the Edit Settings icon in the bottom left of the screen.

  2. Click Add Card.

  3. Click Add Card from Library.

  4. Search for Approvals.

  5. Click Select Card on the Approval card.

  6. Click Add Selected.

  7. Move and resize the approval card on the page as desired and Click Save.

  8. Click on the Approval Hub Card.

  9. Click Select All or the checkboxes next to each desired Workflow Approval and then Approve, Reject, Forward, or Hold.

Additional Information

This will not allow the user to look at the detail of the workflow but mass approve it anyway. Recommended that workflow be approved via email or corresponding program so that the detail can be confirmed first.