Position Not Applying When Importing timeEntry.csv file

Position Not Applying When Importing timeEntry.csv file

Description of Issue

When importing in a timeEntry.csv the default position does not apply if you have a clocking policy to change a position active.

Employee has a default position assigned to their master file management record.

  • Time & Attendance

  • timeEntry.csv

  • Position



The current workaround to import time with a default position:

  1. Login as admin

  2. Navigate to System Admin

  3. Select Polices & Rules Engine

  4. Select Clocking Policy

  5. Delete Change Position

  6. Delete the timeEntry upload and re-attempt upload and the position will be applied correctly.

Additional Information

Please reach out to Support in order to be notified once this has been addressed by Development in a future build. timeandattendance@tylertech.com

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