Off-cycle pay being pulled into payroll for employee

Off-cycle pay being pulled into payroll for employee

Description of Issue

Why is a pay code for one employee set for cycle 1 and 2 in Pay Master appearing in a cycle 3 Payroll?

  • EERP Enterprise

  • Pay Master

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Payroll Start and Status


The employee's pay record for the pay code had cycle 3 checked off in Employee Job/Salary.

  1. Go to Human Resources > Employee Job/Pay Classification > Employee Job/Salary

  2. Search for the employee and the pay record

  3. Go to the Cycles/Other tab

    1. Click Update 

    2. Unselect Cycle 3 

    3. Click Accept

The pay will no longer appear in cycle 3 payrolls going forward.

Additional Information