Getting rates for life insurance deductions
Life insurance deductions are not stored in pr_deduction_ben or pr_ins_premium
All versions of Munis
SSRS reports
Crystal reports
SaaS, Tyler-hosted clients
OnPrem, Self-hosted clients
Employee Deductions
Life insurance uses calculations based on the ages of the employee and their dependents
The rate will be found in pr_life_insurance depending on dp_depend_DOB orĀ e_date_of_birth from pr_employee_mast and db_life_table from pr_deduction_ben
The following query will provide the rate for a spouse life insurance:
, pr_deduction_ben.a_employee_number
, a_deduction_code
, DATEDIFF(YEAR , dp_depend_DOB, GETDATE()) AS SpouseAge
, d_emp_ins_amt * lf_rate_per_thousand Ā /1000 AS SpouseRatePerThousand
FROM pr_deduction_ben Ā
JOIN pr_employee_mast
ON pr_deduction_ben.a_employee_number = pr_employee_mast.a_employee_numberĀ
JOIN pr_life_insuranceĀ
ON db_life_table = lf_tableĀ
AND Ā DATEDIFF(YEAR , dp_depend_DOB, GETDATE())>= lf_age_from
AND Ā DATEDIFF(YEAR , dp_depend_DOB, GETDATE()) <= lf_age_toĀ
WHERE dp_depend_rltn_cd ='S'
and YEAR(dp_depend_stop_dt) =9999