GA CPI - Reporting non-employees

GA CPI - Reporting non-employees

Description of Issue

What is the recommended method for creating non employee staff records so they can be reported in GA CPI with an A, B and maybe C Record?

  • Payroll
  • Georgia
  • GA CPI Reporting



In order to create an A, B and or C, these non-employees would need an Employee Master record, an Employee Assignments record and at least one base pay record in Employee Job/Salary where the End Date is greater than or equal to the reporting period start date (Report Dates ‘from’ value on the GA CPI Generate define screen).

The recommendation is to create a set of “non-payroll” information so you can create employee records while still preventing a scenario where the individual could be inadvertently pulled into a Payroll and receive a check.

Reference Best way to track non-payroll volunteers beyond Employee Master for Tyler's setup recommendations.

Additional Information

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