Update Remit Message on Enterprise Forms Template
Need to update Remit message printing on Enterprise Forms Template
Enterprise Forms
Remit Message
Need to change the message
To update/create the file
Open WordPad
Do not use Microsoft Word
Enter desired information onto page
Information has to manually be entered in WordPad
Copy and Paste can cause issues
Format address as desired for font style and size
File > Save As > Rich Text Format (*.rtf)
Name the file RemitMessage or any name you prefer
To upload file in the Template:
Login to Enterprise ERP
Navigate to Enterprise Forms Administration in the Tyler Menu
Locate the affected template
Click on the Form Design tab
Scroll down to Assets
Click on the box labeled RemitAddress.rtf
Navigate through the windows Open dialogue and find the new file created above
Click Open
Click Save on the template
Repeat the steps to import the file into the other Templates