Description of Issue
- A Deferred Bill (Category 21) created through Deferred Bill Processing is missing information including Installments, Charges, Customer, Property, Source, and Journal Information.
- Error selecting bill information is received when searching for Deferred Bills (Category 21) in Bill Inquiry.
- Deferred tax bill account is empty.
- Property Tax Billing
- Deferred Bill Processing (txdefbil)
- Bill Inquiry (arbilinq)
- Error selecting bill information
Deferred Bill Processing is creating bills with missing information.
- Development is currently researching the issue. It is recommended to refrain from running Deferred Bill Processing until this issue is corrected.
- Category 20 Real Estate Tax Bills can still be adjusted to $0 using the Deferred Tax Billing Reason Code. Once the issue is corrected, Deferred Bill Processing can then be run to create the Category 21 bills for the adjustments.
- If Deferred Bill Processing has already been run, then the Bill Detail Adjustments on the Category 20 Real Estate Bills will need to be reversed and re-entered.
- Instructions for reversing a Bill Detail Adjustment can be found here: Reverse a Bill Detail Adjustment
- Instructions for entering a Bill Detail Adjustments can be found here: Bill Detail Adjustment Guide
Additional Information
If additional assistance is required, please contact Tax Support for the appropriate region.