Description of Issue
- Stop bots from attempting to gain access to our ESS system because it's public-facing
- Implement some sort of CAPTCHA or a way to prevent bots from attempting to log in
- Munis
- Employee Self Service (ESS)
- Multi-Factor Authentication
- 2FA for ESS
Organization would like to enforce Multi-Factor Authentication for ESS
- If you are Tyler Hosted, please reach out to the Munis TSM SaaS Support team for further assistance.
- If you are OnPremise hosted, please review the following steps:
- Navigate to your ESS Hosting page
- The URL can be found on your latest Site Report or in Tyler Deploy
- Login Credentials can be found on your latest Site Report
- Click Edit on the environment you wish to update
- Select Authentication Configuration on the sidebar
- Scroll down and review the options for Multi-Factor Authentication
Additional Information
- Munis Self Service General Administration Guide (11.3)
- Please contact Munis Human Resources Support with any additional questions
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