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An Error is produced in Tyler Hub when attempting to Submit or Retrieve a document to TCM from Tyler Hub: Tyler Content Manager Web Service Call Encountered: Method 'putDocuments2' throws: Insufficient Privileges. CREATE access required to resource 'tyler.empire.document.doccode.MUNISGeneral.MUNISSpoolFiles' for user 'munis' Access group Contact Administrator to check TCM Server responsiveness. (This message will only be displayed once per Munis session.) |
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Exploration of the Groups that the affected user is a member of within TCM Security Manager can reveal what groups are restricting document access to Read-Only. Removing the affected user from these groups and making sure they are part of the correct administrative groups should restore the ability to submit and retrieve docs. Munis should be a part of MU_ACCESS_FULL or MU_ACCESS_STANDARD. If the affected user is a member of any read-only groups, that access will supersede the access less restrictive groups would provide.
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