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titleDescription of Issue

There are a number of transactions One or more transactions are appearing in the Unreconciled Transactions list in Payments Administration. How do we clear this list? 

  • Tyler Payments Administration 
  • Unreconciled Transactions
  • Failed Reconciliations 
  • Tyler Payments
  • Tyler Portico
  • EERP
  • Enterprise ERP
  • Munis


An Unreconciled Transaction can occur during the process where Payments Admin reaches out to the external system to resolve a pending payment/transaction. If the external system is unable to accept or resolve the payment, the result will be a Unreconciled Transaction that will need to be Resubmitted once the conflict in the external system is resolved (or it can be marked as complete or voided) .


Retrying Reconciliation

  1. In Tyler Payments Administration, click
Unreconciled transactions
  1. Unreconciled transactions
    1. Payments Admin URL
  2. Click to drill into a transaction. 
  3. Click theellipse in the top
  1. -right corner
  1. Retry reconciliation. 
  2. In the warning notification, click Yes. 
  3. Optional: In the Unreconciled Transactions menu, there is also an icon to mass retry all transactions in the list. Please allow 1-2 minutes for this process to complete before retrying any transactions individually. Page may need to be reloaded to reflect changes

Diagnosing an Issue

If retrying reconciliation fails consistently, use the following steps to determine the source of the disconnect. 

  1. In EERP, navigate to System Administration > General Administration > System Log. 

  2. Search. Enter the date of the failed reconciliation or most recent retry as the Date. Enter tylerpayments as the User

  3. Locate the error message from the time of the Retry. 

  4. Look in the Context window for the Message field to determine the cause. 

    1. Batch is locked by another user: The batch needs to be unlocked in Payment Entry. This is done by Resuming the batch in Payment Entry. 

    2. Batch has been approved: The batch is in lifecycle step 30 and must be returned to lifecycle step 10. This is done by resuming the batch in Payment Entry.

  5. If the cause of the issue can be determined and resolved, return to the steps to Retry Reconciliation

  6. If the cause of the issue cannot be determined, or the message reads that the batch has been posted, see steps below for Manually Entering Transactions. 

Manually Entering Transactions

Especially if the corresponding EERP batch has been posted, manual entry of an unreconciled transaction may be required. 

  • Recommended: Open EERP in a new tab, leaving a tab open with the unreconciled transaction in Payments Administration. 

  • Navigate to General Revenue > Payment Processing > Payment Entry

  • Resume any tylerpayments batch or Create a new batch. Accept.

    1. Set the GL Date to the date of the unreconciled transaction. 

  • Enter the year and bill number that the payment was made on. 

  • Confirm that the bill does not already have a payment reflected. If it does, skip to step 11.

  • Click the Enter Payment toolbar option. 

  • Set tender to Credit Card or eCheck, depending on the original transaction. 

  • In the Payment Reference field, enter the Confirmation number found in the transaction details of Payments Administration, so you have referential information tying this to the original receipt. 

  • In the Card Number field, enter the last four digits of the customer's card, found in the Tenders tab when viewing the transaction in Payments Administration
  • Complete Transaction. Payments is not set up as a processor for Payment Entry, so there is no risk of charging the customer again. 

  • In Payments Administration, click Unreconciled Transactions. 

  • Click to drill into the transaction for which you just manually entered a record. 

  • In the ellipse, click Mark Receipted

  • Navigate to Batch History

  • Find the batch from the day this transaction was originally taken. It will likely show a status of Open. 

  • Click into the batch. In the ellipse, choose Mark as Closed

  • Panel
    titleAdditional Information

    A Tyler Payments batch will not close if there are unreconciled Unreconciled transactions from that day. Once reconciliations have been resolved, the batch will automatically close if it has not been posted manually. If it has, see steps 14-16 in Manually Entering Transactions above. 

    The best time to retry reconciliation is directly after the transaction fails reconciliation. The more time that passes between the original transaction and the attempted retry, the less likely it will send the information successfully. If Retrying Reconciliation Fails, refer to our Master Article to continue troubleshooting:

    Master Article - Payments Unreconciled Transactions