Use the following steps to create the VRW Export 'ADD's file, - Navigate to Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > South > Virginia > Motor Vehicle Processing > Vehicle Registration Withholding > VRW Export.
- Click 'ADD's.
- Click Define.
- Enter in your Tax year range.
- Enter in your VRW special condition (use the field help to select it from a list of available special conditions).
- Enter in your VRW charge code (use the field help to select it from a list of available charge codes).
- VRW charge amount will populate automatically from the VRW charge code selected.
- Enter in your Jurisdiction.
- Enter in your Use agreement number (This is a number assigned to a participating locality by DMV).
- From the dropdown menu, select how you want to Apply VRW holds.
- From the dropdown menu, select how you want to filter Business property.
- Select whether you want to Apply VRW fees with export or not.
- Select whether you want to Include leased vehicles or not.
- Enter in your Minimum delinquent days.
- Enter in your Minimum delinquent amount.
- From the dropdown menu for File type, select E - Extranet.
- Enter in your desired File name.
- Click Accept.
- Click Select.
- Click Export.
- The Excel option in the ribbon can be used to generate an Excel report on the records selected.