If the Generate button has already been clicked on the individual Invoice proof records, or if there is no Update or Delete button, or if the Invoice can already be found in either Invoice Inquiry or Bill Inquiry, please contact Enterprise ERP Revenue Support recommends a user look to delete for next steps. For non-Generated Invoices, support recommends to Delete the bad invoice(s) from within Invoice Entry and Proof. How to delete Navigate to: General Revenues > General Billing Invoice Proofs from an un-posted Batch Navigate to > Invoice Processing > Invoice Entry and Proof to locate . Locate the General Billing Invoice Batch where an an Invoice needs to be removed or the batch as a whole. Click Click View-Batch. Locate the Invoice that needs to be be deleted. Double click the the record or or highlight the record and click click Accept. This will open this this Invoices Proof Header Screen. Click the the Delete button button to remove this invoice from from Proof. This can be done for all of the invoices in the batch if the user wishes to remove the entire batch from Proof.
If the Delete button is greyed out, the user may lack permissions and need another user to Delete the Proofs. If there are further issues or produces an error, please contact
Munis SupportEnterprise ERP Revenue Support for further assistance.