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titleDescription of Issue

Seeking steps for how to synchronize user IDs and their respective permissions from Enterprise ERP (Munis) to Content Manager. 
Users exist in Enterprise ERP that the site would like to sync to TCMCM.

  • Enterprise ERP
  • EERP
  • Content Manager
  • CM
  • Permissions
  • Users


New users exist in Munis EERP and need access to TCMCM.


A site administrator can sync one or more User IDs from EERP to CM two ways: 
Note - Please confirm that the site is not using AD/Active Directory for CM user administration before completing the steps to sync users from EERP into CM

TylerCM for Munis Settings:

  1. Tyler Menu
  2. System Administration > System Administration > General Administration > TylerCM for Munis Settings
  3. Select the
    1. As mentioned above, if the Allow Munis→TCM User/Role Synchronization box is not checked that is an indication a site has configured to us AD within the CM Full client
      1. Please let support know so a case is moved to the CM - Content Manager Support Teams Queue
  4. Select the Synchronize Users icon in the ribbon
  5. Select user ID(s) to be synced
    1. All users may be selected by pressing CTRL + A
  6. Use tylereerpservice
  7. credentials 
  8. credentials or an admin level User ID that is in the ADMINS permission group for CM to complete sync. 
    1. Please consult your site/system administrator if you do not have access to these credentials. 
  9. Follow above steps #4-5 once that icon is selected > User Attributes > search on user ID

User Attributes:

  1. Tyler Menu
  2. System Administration > Security > User Attributes > search on user ID
  3. Click on TylerCM Sync in the ribbon
  4. Follow above steps #4-5 above once that icon is selected. > User Attributes > search on user ID

Completing the sync steps above will add the User ID(s) into CM if they do not exist, and apply the ID to the MUNISUSERS group, granting access to CM and generic attachments.
To ensure the corresponding CM permissions (ie, MU_ ) groups are also synced from EERP /Munis to CM, please ensure the users id is applied to at least one Role that is linked to an MU_ group and complete the below steps.

User Attributes for single user:

  1. Tyler Menu
  2. System Administration > Security > User Attributes > search on user ID
  3. Under the Roles tab, select Update and then click Accept in the ribbon. This will trigger role calc to run and move all CM permissions group applied to the user over to CM. 

To run this for all users: How to force EERP Role Calc to process over all users

Once a user ID and their corresponding permissions are synced successfully following the above steps, that user ID and all CM permission groups that exist for that user in Enterprise EPR should also appear in the CM Full Client > Administration > Security Manager > Users. 

titleAdditional Information

Master Article - Munis EERP to TCM CM Permissions

Please contact CM Support for any further questions/concerns if the steps provided are not working to trigger the sync. Please provide the user ID(s) affected and the Munis environment you are working in (LIVE, TEST, TRAIN, etc). 

Creating tylereerpservice user ID in Content Manager
