Versions Compared


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titleDescription of Issue

Can we self-upgrade or have our Tyler Content Manager (TCMCM) upgraded to the latest version?


  • Tyler Content Manager
  • Tyler Deploy
  • Upgrade
  • Enterprise ERP (Munis)
  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Dynamsoft Twain Driver


Client is wanting their Tyler Content Manager (TCMCM) version upgraded to


If upgrading from a retired version, or from one major Content Manager version to the next major version, it is recommended to reach out to TSM Support to ensure the Content Manager settings in Tyler Deploy are configured correctly, and to review process and expectations.

Twain Driver Update:

After the upgrade, users that scan documents into TCM CM may be prompted to upgrade the Twain Driver software (Dynamsoft). The new driver is 64-bit only and will require a Windows 10 64-bit OS on the PC to operate correctly. This driver is NOT backward compatible and cannot be used on a device that will be used with a prior version of TCMCM, so it is recommended to test the upgrade and Twain driver on a test machine for non production upgrades before upgrading Production on the user's workstation. Drivers can be found in Tyler Community in the Library section of the Content Manager.

Once updated, make sure the scanner's default setting is set to PaperPort not WIA or users may get errors when scanning and will not be able to scan directly into TCMCM. How to install Dynamsoft Service on workstation for use with CM scanning from EERP

Self Hosted TCM CM clients can upgrade through Tyler Deploy, but should follow these steps:

  1. Log onto the server or SSMS to back up the TCM database for the environment you are upgrading
  2. Log into Tyler Deploy with your Tyler Community account and password to review variables
    1. Click on the pulldown arrow to the right of Product Configuration on the left menu and click on Tyler Content Manager
    2. In the Environment box, select the Tyler Content Manager environment (Prod, Train, Test, or other)
    3. Click on the Tyler Content Manager section pulldown arrow
    4. Review the variables for the environment you are upgrading
    5. Contact Tyler Systems Management Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal  with the title:  Assistance with TCM CM Upgrade and include notes so that any New Features will be added with the upgrade.
    6. If no changes are needed, go to Step 3
  3. Click on the Go to Deployment link at the top of the page
    1. Under Pick release and date/time for deployment. Select the Channel version and Release version you are upgrading to
    2. If you check the box to Check Prereqs, the application will check the server for prerequisites for the target version.
      1. If there are any required, the upgrade will not run, and the prerequisites must be installed first.
      2. If all prerequisites have already been installed, the upgrade will begin as scheduled
    3. You can start the upgrade process immediately by clicking the Start button, or schedule the upgrade at a later date/time
      1. To schedule the upgrade later:
        1. Click on the now/later slider button
        2. Click on the calendar button in the Choose date & time box to select the month and date
        3. Click on the clock button to choose the hour, minute, and AM or PM
        4. Click the Schedule button to schedule the upgrade
      2. Contact Tyler Systems Management Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal  if there are any Error messages or issues with the upgrade.

Tyler Hosted clients can upgrade TCM through Tyler Deploy, but should follow these steps:

  1. Contact Tyler Systems Management Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal  with the title:  Assistance with TCM Upgrade so that any New Features will be added with the upgrade.
  2. Note which environment(s) you want to upgrade:  PROD, TEST, TRAIN, or other
  3. Request a backup of the TCM database for NonProd environment.  PROD databases are backed up every night.
  4. Log into Tyler Deploy with your Tyler Community account and password to review and update variables
    1. Click on the pulldown arrow to the right of Product Deployment on the left menu and click on Tyler Content Manager
    2. In the Environment box, select the environment you are to upgrade (Prod, Train, Test, or other)
    3. Under Pick release and date/time for deployment. Select the Channel version and Release version you are upgrading to
    4. If you check the box to Check Prereqs, the application will check the server for prerequisites for the target version.
      1. If there are any required, the upgrade will not run, and the prerequisites must be installed first.
      2. If all prerequisites have already been installed, the upgrade will begin as scheduled
    5. You can start the upgrade process immediately by clicking the Start button, or schedule the upgrade at a later date/time
      1. To schedule the upgrade later:
        1. Click on the now/later slider button
        2. Click on the calendar button in the Choose date & time box to select the month and date
        3. Click on the clock button to choose the hour, minute, and AM or PM
        4. Click the Schedule button to schedule the upgrade
      2. Contact Tyler Systems Management Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal  if there are any Error messages or issues with the upgrade.

All Clients should verify TCM CM Client connectivity after deployment:

  1. Log into TCM CM full client
    1. Check Messages (flag icon) for errors
    2. Check the Job Manager (clock icon) for running jobs (indexing)
    3. Reindexing may take hours to complete, if the TCM CM database is large. You may see a newjob created later in the Job Manager called RebuildIndex.LargeCorrection with the status of Never that may need to be kicked off when the Reindex has completed.
    4. Contact Tyler Systems Management Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal  if there are any Error messages or issues with the Reindexing.
  2. Log into EERP to Reset Mappings and Test TCM CM for Attachments
    1. Under System Administration > General Administration > TCM for Munis Settings
    2. Click buttons on the Menu to Sync users, reset Master PW and Reset TCM Cache
    3. Browse Printer Definitions and Save a copy to the Spool
    4. Under Saved Reports, search for the new file, check and submit to TCM (accept)
    5. Retrieve the file under TCM and it should display the file
    6. Contact Tyler Systems Management Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal if there are any Error messages or issues saving or retrieving files.


titleAdditional Information

NOTE:  Users should be aware that the TCM CM Viewer relies heavily on cached information, so we recommend that users clear their browser cache before attempting to view or submit a document. Master Article - Clear Browser Cache
