The site must whitelist allow the following IP Addresses: Program | IP Address |
Email Relay | | Email Relay | | Tyler External Office | | VLAN | | VLAN | | TylerHost | | Munis App Server External IP | Different for each Site | Forms Server External IP | Different for each Site |
How to locate the External IP for the Munis App Server: The External IP for a site' s s Munis Application Application server can be retrieved by contacting TSM SaaS in the the Support Portal or or by taking the steps below Open Open CMD
and and run the following command (use the site's base Munis Application URL): nslookup The External IP will appear in
the the Address
field field Locate the IP for both the Production and NonProduction Munis App Servers
Whitelist Allow the External IP Addresses in the site's SMTP Settings
How to locate the External IP for the Forms Server: The External IP for a site' s ReadyForms or DocOrigin s ReadyForms or DocOrigin server can be retrieved by contacting TSM SaaS in the the Support Portal or or by taking the steps below Open Open CMD
and and run the following command (use the site's base Forms URL): nslookup The External IP will appear in
the the Address
field field Locate the IP for both the Production and NonProduction Forms Servers
Whitelist Allow the External IP Addresses in the site's SMTP Settings