Use the following steps to create a rollback bill. - Navigate to to Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing> South >North Carolina Region >State > Subsequent Billing and Corrections > Rollback Billing
- Click Define from the ribbon.
- Enter the Year, AR Category Category, and Property ID.
- Click Accept. The list of all applicable bills will be returned based on the provided information.
- Alter In the Reduction Value and Reduction Acres if needed
- Click Accept, then Process
- Saying yes to the resulting pop-up will open the subsequent billing program.
- Records can be Bill Posted to create the bill, then GL Posted to complete the posting process or GL Posted from the start to create a Values field, enter in the amount by which to reduce the deferment amount.
- Note: You cannot exceed the original deferment amount in the Deferred Value field.
- In the Reduction Acres field, enter in the amount by which to reduce the deferment amount.
- Note: You cannot exceed the original deferment amount in the Deferred Acres field.
- Click Accept.
- Click Process.
- A popup up will appear stating that you can view or maintain the rollback record in the Subsequent Billing program. Click Yes to open the record in Subsequent Billing or click No to cancel.
- Note: You have to post the rollback record through the Subsequent Billing program.
- If you click Yes, the Subsequent Billing program will load and display the newly created rollback record. You can then view the record, or create and post the rollback bill to the general ledger.
- Click Bill Post to create the bill.
- Click GL Post to complete the posting process and post the record to the general ledger.
- Clicking GL Post from the start will create the bill and complete the posting process.