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Navigate your Tyler Menu to:

Payroll > Payroll Administration > Employee Accumulators.

  1. Search for the Employee, Deduction/pay code, Year, Frequency of M, and the Cycle. The cycle value corresponds to the month. Cycle 1 is for January, where cycle 12 is for December.
  2. Click Update and modify the gross, or amount fields as needed > click Accept
  3. When you receive the following prompt, Select Yes to prompt Do you want to automatically update the other affected accumulators (Quarterly, Yearly, Fiscal, Inception) for this pay/deduction? You should select Yes
    1. If select No, manual adjustments to the corresponding accumulators will be required.
  4. Reconcile the the quarterly and yearly accumulators for accuracy


titleAdditional Information

Adjustments to employee accumulators are done in the Employee Accumulators program, and should always be made to the monthly accumulators. This will initiate a prompt to update the corresponding accumulators to that given month. If you select Yes, this will automatically update the year, and quarter associated with the month you updated. If you select No, manually adjustments to the corresponding accumulators will be requiredPlease note that adding an monthly accumulator will not prompt a user to update the other affected accumulators.  Only updating an existing monthly accumulator will initiate the prompt to update the other affected accumulators.