The reversal process: - Void the check in the Void Checks program
- If you can not find the checks to void, they are in a cleared status and you must unclear them in Check Recon before voiding
- Post Cash Disbursements for the void
- Clear the voided check in Check Reconciliation
- Only checks in a cleared status can be purged from Munis
- Purge the check in Purge Accounts Payable Checks
If mistake was made in the invoicing stage, invoice must be voided or deleted as well: - Go to Modify Invoices
- Delete/Void Invoice
The rekeying process: - Rekey the invoice in Invoice Entry if it was deleted/voided
- Post Invoice with same effective date
- Select Items to be Paid to add warrant/check run back onto the invoice(s) (the warrant/check run is removed from all invoices during the void check process)
- Print Checks with same check number
- Use Manual Single ribbon option if the check date will be more than 30 days old or if the check was a Direct Disbursement/Wire
- Post Cash Disbursements with same effective date