010 Record | Not submitted by EERP |
| 020 Record | Not submitted by EERP |
| 030 Record | BudgetExt Entity | (Budget Record) | 032 Record | PriorYearActualExt Entity | (Actuals Record) | 033 Record | SharedServiceArrangementExt Entity | (Shared Service Arrangements Record) | 040 Record | Staff Entity | (Staff Record) | 050 Record | StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation Entity | (Employment Record) | 055 Record | ContractedInstructionalStaffFTEExt Entity | (Contracted Instructional Staff FTE Record) | 060 Record | PayrollExt Entity | (Payroll Record) | 090 Record | StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation Entity (for EERP) | (Assignment Record) | 10010 Record | Not submitted by EERP |
| 10020 Record | Not submitted by EERP |
| 20030 Record | BudgetExt Entity | (Budget Record) | 20032 Record | PriorYearActualExt Entity | (Actuals Record) | 20033 Record | SharedServiceArrangementExt Entity | (Shared Service Arrangements Record) | 30040 Record | Staff Entity | (Staff Record) | 30050 Record | StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation Entity | (Employment Record) | 30055 Record | ContractedInstructionalStaffFTEExt Entity | (Contracted Instructional Staff FTE Record) | 30060 Record | PayrollExt Entity | (Payroll Record) | 30090 Record | StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation Entity (for EERP) | (Assignment Record) | ActualExtension Complex Type | PriorYearActualExt Entity | (Actuals Record) | BudgetExtension Complex Type | BudgetExt Entity | (Budget Record) | Code Table | Descriptor Table | Example: Code Table C159 is now Descriptor Table "PayrollFund" | Codes | Descriptors |
| Complex Type | Entity |
Interchanges | Domains and Domain Entities | These are the files themselves. |
| ContractedInstructionalStaffFTEExtension Complex Type | ContractedInstructionalStaffFTEExt Entity | (Contracted Instructional Staff FTE Record) | Employment - Payroll Summary | StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation Entity | (Employment Record) | InterchangeEducationOrganizationExtension | Education Organization Domain | EERP only produces the SharedServiceArrangementExt Entity for this Domain.
All other Entities for the Education Organization Domain will only ever come from SIS | .InterchangeStaffAssociationExtensionInterchangeFinanceExtension | Staff InterchangeFinanceExtensionFinance Domains and Domain Entities | These are the files themselves. | InterchangeSSAOrganizationAssociationExtension | No longer exists as a separate file | Now reported with the SSAOrgAssociationExt Entity within the Finance Domain | InterchangeStaffAssociationExtension | Staff Domain |
| LocalEducationAgency (LEA) Complex Type | Not submitted by EERP |
| Payroll Summary | StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation Entity | (Employment Record) | PayrollExtension Complex Type | PayrollExt Entity | (Payroll Record) | Responsibility Complex Type | StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation Entity (for EERP) | (Assignment Record) | Responsibility Records | StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation Entity (for EERP) | (Assignment Record) | Role ID | Staff Classification | (StaffClassification) | School Complex Type (Campus) | Not submitted by EERP |
| Service ID | Staff Service | (StaffService) | SharedServiceArrangementExtension Complex Type | SharedServiceArrangementExt Entity | (Shared Service Arrangements Record) | Staff Basic Information | Staff Entity | (Staff Record) | Staff Extension Complex Type | Staff Entity | (Staff Record) | StaffEducationOrgEmploymentAssociationExtension Complex Type | StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation Entity | (Employment Record) |