How Allocations Calculate in Payroll with Subtract from Base Pay Codes after Time Entry Move

Description of Issue
  • The total number hours that an employee enters for specific activity should be allocated to the employee under that particular activity. 

  • Time Entry Manual Allocation Distributing Amount Incorrectly

  • Enterprise ERP 

  • Payroll

  • Pay Master

  • Time Entry

  • Time Entry History

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Earnings and Deduction


Employee had a pay code in Earnings and Deductions that is set to Subtract from Base. EERP will only Allocate the hours that are left over after the Subtract from base code takes the hours that is necessary. 


EERP will allocate at the same percentages based on the hours left on the Base Pay Code. 

To access the Manually Allocation inside of the payroll to see the breakdown:

  1. Navigate to Payroll Start and Status (Human Capital Management > Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status)

  2. Click Search for the applicable Payroll 

  3. Click Payroll Earnings and Deductions

  4. Search for the Employee

  5. Navigate to Pay tab

  6. Double click on the applicable Base Pay code that has the allocation

  7. In the top Ribbon click on the skittle GL Allocation

For Example if a Base pay code is brought in with a total of 48 hours, and the employee had sick time for a total of 32 hours, EERP is only allocating the remaining 16 hours. 


48 hours of Base Pay Time

32 Hours of Sick Time (Subtract From Base)

Left over 16 hours of Base Pay Time

Manual Allocation Breaks down as follows:

13 Hours Assigned to Org 1214, Object 110000, Project A6.1

14 Hours Assigned to Org 1214, Object 110000

5 Hours Assigned to Org 4105, Object 110000

8 Hours Assigned to Org 1210, Object 110000

8 Hours Assigned to Org 1214, Object 120000

Based on the percentage and the amounts found on the GL Allocation Skittle, EERP calculates the amounts by taking the amount of hours divided by the total base pay hours before the subtract from base (48 hours in this case) and then multiplies it by the remaining hours of 16:






Additional Information

If the Accrual Pay code should not be Subtract from Base, use: Hours subtracting from base pay code