Description of Issue
- When importing an Abatement Import using the Suffolk County Abatement Import program, the Valuation Charge on the Abatement shows zero.
- During the Suffolk County Abatement Import the Payee Customer blanks out.
- Suffolk County Abatement Import Payee ID number not updating.
- Suffolk County Abatement Import Applicant Customer not being assigned as the Payee Id on the Abatement.
- Property Tax Billing
- Abatement Import
- Abatement Entry
Development is currently researching where the Applicant Customer is not being assigned as the Payee Customer on the Abatement. All other issues have been resolved in 2021.10 and above. Install the latest Tyler Deploy Release for your current EERP version.
Current workaround at this time is to manually update the Payee Customer Number in Abatement Entry after the Abatement Import. Contact Enterprise ERP Tax Support for further assistance
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