Is the Cashiering Hardware Console Backwards Compatible

Is the Cashiering Hardware Console Backwards Compatible

Description of Issue

Is the Cashiering Hardware Console backwards compatible with other versions?

  • Cashiering
  • Hardware Console


  • No, the Cashiering Hardware Console is not back backwards compatible.
  • Though some functionality may work if there is a mismatch between the Hardware Console and Cashiering versions, it is not recommended or truly supported.
  • The version of the Hardware Console and Cashiering version should match for full functionality and support. 
Additional Information

Please note, there cannot be two versions of the 2021.x Hardware Console installed alongside each other on a workstation. However, the 2021.6.0.0/2021.1.11.0+ Hardware Console can be installed alongside the 2019.1/2019.3 Hardware Console.

How to Test the Cashiering 2021 Hardware Console Alongside the 2019.1 or 2019.3 Hardware Console

How to Uninstall Cashiering Client or Hardware Console

How to Install Cashiering Hardware Console