Permissions for Certifications and Skills programs

Description of Issue

User is unable to update Employee Certifications, Skills and Experience, and other programs within Certifications and Skills.

  • Enterprise ERP

  • EERP

  • Human Capital Management

  • Talent Management

  • Certifications and Skills


User does not have Category Access permissions for Employee Certifications.

  1. Navigate to Roles

  2. EERP > System Administration > Security > Roles

  3. Search on the Role that grants access to Employee Master

  4. Click on the HR Management Payroll folder

  5. Click Update

  6. Click on the Category Access tab

  7. For Employee Master maintenance, enter the role's permissions for the CategoryEmployee Certifications

    1. Update Delete or Hide SNN Update Delete

  8. Click Accept

  9. Following these changes, log out and back in to EERP to access Certification and Skills programs

Additional Information

Please reach out to EERP Human Resources Support with any additional questions.