TSDS Employee Assignments - How to populate the fields

TSDS Employee Assignments - How to populate the fields

Description of Issue

How do I populate the fields on the Employee Assignments record for TSDS reporting?

  • Payroll
  • Financials
  • Texas
  • TX TSDS Reporting



Employee Assignments Field

Requirement for TSDS Reporting


Enter the Employee number.

SSN/Last Name/First Name/M/Status

This data will display from Employee Master when the employee number is entered.


Enter the TSDS StaffService code for this assignment. (StaffService was historically Service ID code.)

Valid TSDS: StaffService C343 Descriptor Table


Enter the 3-digit TSDS School ID (Campus).

Effective Date

Enter the Assignment Start Date. 

This date must be on or before the defined Snapshot Date in order to be included in the TSDS Generate.

Ending Date

Enter the Ending Date of the Assignment, or 12/31/9999 if there isn’t one.

If the ending date is prior to the defined Snapshot Date, the assignment will not be included in the TSDS Generate.

Job Class

Enter the EERP Job Class code that corresponds to this Assignment. The Generate uses this information to correlate the assignment to an Employee Job/Salary record. 

FTE Percentage

Enter the percentage of the employee’s total time spent on this assignment. This is not used for TSDS reporting.


Enter the monthly minutes for this assignment, or leave blank if Monthly Minutes shouldn’t be reported for this Assignment.

Monthly Minutes are required for Staff Classification (Role ID) codes 008, 033 & 036.

Note: If the assignment needs to be reported with more than one SPEDStudentAgeRange code, this value will be split evenly between the two TSDS Staff Assignment records created, in accordance with TEA requirements.

Highly Qualified

Leave at default value of No. This is not used for TSDS reporting.

Sessions Taught

Enter the Population Served code for this assignment.

Valid TSDS options: PopulationServed C030 Descriptor Table

Certificate Type

Leave blank. This is not used for TSDS reporting at this time.

Subject Code

Enter the number of students served for this assignment.  TEA is expecting to see the sum of students across all classes, per School (campus).

A value is required for Staff Classification (Role ID) codes 002, 007, 015, 016, 017, 018, 021, 026, 032, 033 and 036.

For Staff Classification 033 or 036, you must enter 0.

Fund Code

Leave blank. This is not used for TSDS reporting at this time.

Field Code

Leave blank. This is not used for TSDS reporting at this time.

Out of Field

Leave unchecked.  This is not used for TSDS reporting at this time.

Certificate Level

Leave blank. This is not used for TSDS reporting at this time.


Leave blank, unless this record is for an Educational Aide (StaffClassification 033) serving special education students (Pop.Served 06).

Otherwise, enter one Grade code here for each age range level served.

Valid TSDS options: SPEDStudentAgeRange C342 Descriptor Table


The TSDS Generate will create two Staff Assignment records from the one Employee Assignments record; One for each SPED code.  If there are monthly minutes, they are split evenly between the two, in accordance with TEA expectations. 

Additional Information

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