Read-Only Access in Utility Billing
Wish to grant a User read-only access to the Utilities program that will still allow them to search through and create Reports, but not change any information in the Utilities program.
- Roles
- Utilities
- Account Inquiry
- Consumption History
Need to change various settings in Utility Billing and Accounts Receivable to ensure the User is able to access all of Utility Billing, see all information, but without the ability to change any information. Only the abilities to read and search through information in Utility Billing as well as create Reports.
Navigate to System Admin > Security > Roles
If wishing to update a Role:
- Search for the Role you wish to update.
- This will change the settings and permissions for all User's who share this Role.
It is recommended to create new Role with these setting. To do so:
- Click Add
- Enter a new Role Key
- Enter a Description
- Set the Menu access field to Munis Main menu
- Click Accept
- Click the HR Management / Payroll folder
- Click Add
- Click Accept.
Under Module View:
- Scroll down to find and double click the Utility Billing – CIS folder located under Property revenue.
- Select Update
- Ensure no checkboxes are selected, except the Role is Active checkbox.
- Under Data access ensure both sections are set to FULL.
- Select Accept
- Select Back.
- Under Property Revenues find and double click the Accounts Receivable folder.
- Ensure the only checkboxes selected are Role is active, Maintain AR settings, Maintain AR customers.
- Under Data Access the AR Code access and View special conditions should be set to FULL with all others being set to None.
- All other permissions it is recommended to set to strictest settings as needed unless User works in Account Receivable or needs access to Accounts Receivable.
- Select Accept
- Select Back
Under Menu Security:
- Select the Menu Security Tab.
- For Role Access, only check Property Revenues and Help. All others can remain unchecked unless needed for other purposes.
- Double-Click Property Revenues to show the internal menu options. It is recommended Payment Processing, Accounts Receivable and Utility Billing remain selected so that the User has full access to all information Utility Billing uses. All others may be unchecked.
- If desired, further limit access in Payment Processing and Accounts Receivable to only what is needed.
- Double-Click Utility Billing enter into another internal menu.
- Ensure all Role Access checkboxes are checked. User will want full range of all programs in Utility Billing.
If testing within the Role, ensure System Administration is checked under Role Access as well.
Currently these settings may allow Role access to use Notes in UB. As this is a code (Notes Code) this can be limited, but so far all other access is viewable and searchable but not able to add/edit/delete anything in UB but still has access to Save/Excel/Doc/Display/PDF/Print.
OPTIONAL: While it is not needed for permissions, some prefer to remove the Menu Paths Users does not need access to. Adjusting Menu Security in Enterprise ERP