Report of Services by Account
Wish to run a report that shows all services assigned to all accounts.
Unaware of how to create a report based on desired criteria.
Navigate to: Property Revenues > Utility Billing > Master Programs > Services
Select Search and use the fields to limit what is included in the report.
If desired, simply leave all fields blank to allow all.
Select Accept to pull up all accounts that fit the search criteria.
Select Browse
Recommended to select the Account field at the top to organize everything by account.
Select Output, Print, PDF, Save, Excel or Word as desired.
Searching the empty fields may pull so many Accounts that the system may have issues browsing them all. If this occurs, it is recommend using a search criteria, like Service Status, to separate the accounts into multiple lists that pulls less accounts in at a time, but still would allow all accounts to be be included without repeats, simply in separate reports.