Delete all bank codes and reimport

Delete all bank codes and reimport

Description of Issue

Delete all bank codes and reimport


Bank Codes




Existing bank codes are corrupted and require removal and reimport.


Please contact the Tyler Project Manager to discuss steps to correct the existing bank codes.

Additional Information

Software Support would not be able to assist with this issue.

If the bank codes are not tied to any transactions, matches, reconciliations, exclusions, bank accounts, etc. the site can manually delete them from the Bank Codes program- if they are only attached to bank accounts, the site will need to delete the bank accounts prior to deleting the bank codes.

If there are additional records referencing the Bank Codes or Bank Accounts that need to be deleted, this issue would likely need to be reviewed by professional services, due to the potential volume of tables involved if these bank codes are in use anywhere in EERP.

The site can test deleting these in system, it will error if there are records tied to the bank codes- if errors are returned that would require assistance outside of the support realm.