FL DOE Staff Demographics - Literacy Micro-Credential
How is the Generate pulling the value for Literacy Micro-Credential for Staff Demographics?
FL DOE Reporting
Value in Level field on the first Employee Certifications record it encounters when the following conditions are met:
The employee has a Job Class that's defined as a Reading or Literacy Credentials Required Instructional on the Employee Ranges tab of the Staff Demographics Generate tab
The Type field on the Employee Certifications record matches the Certification Type defined on the Generate screen.
The Effective Date is before the reporting period end date defined on the Generate screen.
The Expiration Date is after the reporting period begin date defined on the Generate screen.
If the employee has a Job Class that's defined as a Reading or Literacy Credentials Required Instructional on the Employee Ranges tab of the Staff Demographics Generate tab and an Employee Certifications record meeting the criteria above is NOT found, Literacy Micro-Credential is reported as N - No, the instructional staff member has not completed the Literacy Micro-Credential.
If the employee does NOT have a Job Class that's defined as a Reading or Literacy Credentials Required Instructional, the Literacy Mirco-Credential is reported as Z - Not applicable – the individual is not classified as instructional personnel.