Total Due Not Reflecting Overpayment

Total Due Not Reflecting Overpayment

Description of Issue
  • Bill looks out of balance because overpayment is not showing in total due. 

  • One user shows bill as due when another user does not.

  • Overpayment not being included in total due column.

  • General Revenues

  • NSF

  • Bill Inquiry


AR User Preferences did not have a setting checked in Bill Inquiry.


Make sure the checkbox that reads 'Include credit balances in due now amounts' is checked. You can check this setting by:

  1. Navigate to the Bill Inquiry program either by searching or using the following path: General Revenues > Payment Processing > Bill Inquiry

  2. Click Preferences in the top ribbon.

  3. Select Update

  4. Under Preferences, check off the one that reads 'Include credit balances in due now amounts.'

  5. Click Accept

Additional Information