How to Create and Generate Rollback Bills in Virginia

How to Create and Generate Rollback Bills in Virginia

Description of Issue

How do I create a rollback bill?

  • Property Revenues 
  • Property Tax Billing 
  • Subsequent Billing and Corrections

I need the instructions on how to create a Rollback bill.


Hub > Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > South > Virginia > Subsequent Billing and Corrections > Rollback Billing

1. Open Rollback Billing

2. Hit Define

3. Enter the Year, AR category and Property Id

4. Click Accept

5. In the Reduction Value box, fill in the amount by which to reduce the deferment amount.

      Note: You cannot exceed the original deferment amount in the Deferred Value Box. 

6. In the Reduction Acres box, fill in the amount by which to reduce the deferment amount.

      Note: You cannot exceed the original deferment amount in the Deferred Acres Box. 

7. Click Accept

8. Hit Process. The program will process and post the rollback record for the parcel.

9. A popup will appear saying that you can view or maintain the rollback record in the Subsequent Billing Program 

8. Click Yes to open the record in the Subsequent Billing program or No to cancel. 

      Note: You have to post the Rollback bill through the Subsequent Billing program. 

9. If you click Yes, the program displays the newly created rollback billing record on the Subsequent Billing screen, where you can view the record or create and post the rollback bill to the general ledger. 

Additional Information

How to Abate or Release a Rollback Bill

If additional assistance is required, please contact tax support for the appropriate region.