Personal Property Parcels Invalid Business Id

Description of Issue
  • txppmast Personal Property Parcels txppmast.txpp_business.0 Invalid Business Id XXXXX.
  • Tyler Deploy update failed due to error.
  • Enterprise ERP
  • Property Revenues
  • Property Tax Billing
  • Personal Property (txppmast)

The business type classification for Personal Properties is an invalid Id that does not match to what is set up in General Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Accounts Receivable Miscellaneous Codes > Customer Type Codes.


Support is currently researching into this issue.

Please contact Tax Support for assistance.

Additional Information

This data condition may not be flagged from the Data Integrity Assistant (DIA).  It will still cause the deploy of an update to fail.

Business and Customer Types are maintained in Accounts Receivable Miscellaneous Codes; see the following article: Adding new Accounts Receivable Customer Type Codes