Description of Issue
I have Incode and need to create an account in Munis for the Incode integration
- Munis
- Incode
- Integration
Incode has the ability to integrate with the Munis GL module. Incode needs a web service account specifically created for it's integration
Create new user in Munis for Incode integration
- Open the Munis environment you need to integrate with Incode
- Navigate to System Administration > Security > User Attributes
- Add a new user by selecting Add from the ribbon
- The desired User ID and password should be provided by Incode support (IncodeUser is a typical ID)
- Set the User account status to Enabled and Workflow Delivery to Workflow Assistant
- Click Accept
- When prompted, enter the desired password for the Incode integration user
- Assign the user the wsuser role
Set the password for the Incode integration user
- Go to System Administration > Security > Passwords
- Search or Browse for the IncodeUser account
- Select Update and set Account status to Active
- Click Accept
Grant the Incode integration user access to the GL private web service jnlimpc
- Go to System Administration > General Administration > Web Services
- Click Private Services
- Find the Incode integration user
- Click on Access to modify their permissions to private web services
- Find and click on the gl - jnlimpc web service and click Add >
- Click Done
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