Description of Issue
How can I make an exact copy of an existing budget projection
- Define/Start Budget Projection
- Next Year Budget Entry (NYBE), full data entry
- Central Budget Entry (CBE), quick data entry
- Copy, Clone, Duplicate
- Site needs another budget projection exactly duplicated from another for whatever reason
- Utility was run version 2019.1 or higher and set status to outdated or posted when it needed to be Active
- Financials > Budget Processing > Define/Start Budget Projection
- Search or Browse projection to duplicate/copy
- Accept searched projection number or Double-click from browse listing of existing projections
- Copy Projection or Duplicate depending on Munis version
- Enter required fields information
- Accept
Additional Information
How can I make prior year projection highest budget amounts populate at level 1 in copied projection but only want final level to show as level one